I believe josh shouldn't call sydney because he doesnt know if it will alter the future or not. Josh right now is in a predicament because he doesn't know if he should call the girl of his dreams or not. Sydney gave him her number during Joshes last period class which is called peer issues they share the class. Josh stands up for Sydney against a guy named rick and they are fighting about"hooking up" and a guys to far and josh says this, "She's right. It's human decency.''(110) defintion of human decency. Emma thinks that Sydney is going to play hard to get and not answer his calls until later. So this make josh very nerves in calling her so i think he should wait it out until she calls him.
In the " Future of Us", there are two people named Emma and Josh. The year is around 1996 and face book isn't invented yet, but they can see theirs and classmates futures through it. Emma doesn't really like her future so she tries her hardest to change it to her liking. When she does find out how to change her future she goes and does it. She found out where her future husband lives and ask what college he wants to go to. After Emma asks him she goes down her list of top 5 colleges she was hoping to go to. Her top pick was Tampa state which he was actually going to. By changing her mind she was able to alter not only her future but.. Joshes also. By doing so she has gotten rid of his 3 children and made is so he only has one kid about to born any day.quick synopsis of the book. Emma decision to change the future was a bad decision because it could have altered the future more than they knew. For instance maybe it affected where Josh lives or maybe even what will happen in a war ?! All around so far Emma has been really selfish about her future and the way it was suppose to turn out just because she didn't want it that way it needed to be changed.