Reality Tv can not be beneficial because most of them portray a fake life. it might be their life but no many people at all can have that kind of life but if you can thats good for you. for example in the show," Real Housewives" of whatever county. all they do is fight spend a butt load of money. all they care about is their appearance and the money they have. no one in a real society is not able to spend that much money and have that much drama on a daily bases. one more example is the biggest loser you can not loose that much weight in that little of time they push themselves more than some one does normally at the gym is kinda harsh that they push themselves that hard in the gym. no one is going to go the gym and start working out that hard the first day you go slow into a work out and work your way up. also normal trainers don't yell at you like that they encourage you to work out and if you could do more then they would encourage you to not tell you to.

but there is a point some show are beneficial. the show "Top Chef" is beneficial because any good chef could be able to get on the show and maybe even win. That show is more realistic because anyone has a chance to be on it. Some reality TV shows are more realistic then other and even beneficial.
This is a great blog post. I enjoy your argument for both sides, they really made me think about how you felt. This was a very enjoyable blog post.
ReplyDeleteYou have a good argument on both sides, but in the beginning it doesn't read too well, check sme grammar mistakes. Overall, great post